Empire Magic

Trick Finder

Where is it?

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$100 Bill Silk Handkerchief (Silk Handkerchief, $100 Bill)

$1,000,000 Bills (Million Dollar Bills)

4 Way Coloring Book (Coloring Book, Four Way) 

20th Century SilksNew Item in Magic Shop

21st Century Mindreading 

52 on One w/ Surprise Ending 

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A Word in a Million


American Flag Silk Handkerchief (Silk Handkerchief – American Flag) (Flag, American, Silk Handkerchief)


Appearing Candle (Candle, Appearing)

Appearing Cane (Cane, Appearing)

Aqua Slush (Slush Powder) 

Astro Strings

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Ball and Tube 

Ball and Vase

Balloons, Clear #11 – Refills for Needle Thru Balloon, Balloon To Dove, Silk In Balloon, Forgetful Freddy, etc.

Bang Ring 

Blendo Box 

Block, Bolt and Coin Penetration 

Book – 101 East-to-Do Magic Tricks, Tarr

Book – Balloons With Your Magic, Klein

Book – Bill Tube

Book – Card Boxes

Book – Change Bags

Book – Clown Magic, Ginn 

Book – Complete Course in Magic, Mark Wilson 

Book – Creative Kid Talk, Ginn, Taylor, Smith 

Book – Dove Pan-Orama, Posgate 

Book – Folding Coins

Book – Later Magic, Hoffmann

Book – Lickity Split, Martini

Book – Linking Rings

Book – Lights! Cameras! Magic!, Wiliams

Book – Magic with a Copper/Silver Coin, Mentzer

Book – Magic with Canes

Book – Milk Pitcher 

Book – Modern Coin Magic, Bobo 

Book – Modern Magic, Hoffmann

Book – My Canes and Candles, Fantasio 

Book – On Stage!, Smith

Book – On the Corner Short, Mentzer

Book – Reels

Book – Slush 

Book – Sponge Ball Magic

Book – Spring Flowers

Book – Supershells

Book – Tarbell Course in Magic, Tarbell (Tarbell Course in Magic) 

Book – Tarbell Original Lessons in Magic, Tarbell (Tarbell System Contained in One Book) New Item in Magic Shop

Book – The Books of Wonder, Volume 2, Wonder & Minch 

Book – The Complete Juggler, Finnigan (Juggling Book)

Book – The New Bottle Book, Nielsen

Book – Trade Show Secrets Revealed, Kannen 

Brainwave Deck 

Breakaway Wand (Wand, Breakaway) 

Buddha Money Mystery

Butterfly Silk Handkerchief (Silk Handkerchief – Butterfly)


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Candle, Appearing (Appearing Candle)

Candle, Vanishing (Vanishing Candle)

Cane, Appearing (Appearing Cane)

Cane, Vanishing (Vanishing Cane)

Card Case, Magnetic (Magnetic Card Case)

Card Deck, Gaffed (Gaffed Card Deck) – Assorted, Double Face/Back, Blank Face/Back, One Way Force, etc. 

Card Silk Handkerchief Set, 9 Inch (Silk Handkerchief – Card Set, 9 inch)

Card Wallet, Deluxe

Card Wallet, Regular


Change Bag (Tote Bag Deluxe) 

Change Bag Deluxe 

Change Bag, Itty Bitty (Itty Bitty Change Bag)

Change Bag w/ No Bottom (Silly Sack) 

Change Bag with Zipper 

Chick Pan, Double Load 

Chick Pan, Professional

Christmas Mouth Coils (Mouth Coils) 

Cigarette Through Quarter 

Circus Wagon New Item in Magic Shop

Clone Zone 

Clown Silk Handkerchief (Silk Handkerchief – Clown) 

Coin Boxes 

Coin Coaster

Coin Con 

Coin Flux 2 

Coin in the Bottle AND Replacement Bands

Coin PurseNew Item in Magic Shop

Coin SlideNew Item in Magic Shop

Coin Squeeze

Coin, Jumbo 3 Inch Half Dollar Chrome Plated New Item in Magic Shop

Coin, Mini (Mini Coin) 

Coin, Manipulation/Palming (Palming Coin, Neilsen) (Manipulation Coin)

Coin, Speciality and Gaffed (Gaffed and Speciality Coins) (Speciality and Gaffed Coins) – Chinese, Copper/Silver, English Penny, Magnetic Nickel Shell, Mexican Centavo, Expanded Shells [English Penny/Quarter/Half Dollar/Eisenhower Silver Dollar], Two Headed Quarter, etc. 

Coin, Speciality – Magnetic Core 

Coin, Speciality – Steel Core 

Color Changing Silks, DoubleNew Item in Magic Shop

Color Changing Silk Streamer (Silk Streamer – Color Changing)

Color Monte

Colored Nylon Rope (Nylon Rope, Colored) (Rope, Magician’s Colored Nylon) (Magician’s Colored Nylon Rope)

Coloring Book, Four Way (4 Way Coloring Book) 

Coloring Book Monte 

Crocheted Balls 

Crystal Mirror Goblet (Mirror Glass) 

Crystal Silk Cylinder, Deluxe

Crystal Silk Cylinder, Mini

Cups and Balls, Beginner with DVDNew Item in Magic Shop

Cups and Balls, MiniatureNew Item in Magic Shop


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Devil’s Hankerchief

Devil’s Coin Bank

Dice Bomb

Dime and Penny

Diminishing Cards

D’Lite – Original – Full Size and Junior Size 

Dove Pan – Double Load 

Dragon Silk Handkerchief (Silk Handkerchief – Dragon)

DVD – 25 Amazing Tricks with a Scotch & Soda or Dime & Penny 

DVD – 25 Amazing Tricks with a Stripper Deck 

DVD – 25 Amazing Tricks with a Svengali Deck 

DVD – 25 Amazing Tricks with a Thumbtip 

DVD – Amazing Magic Tricks with Everyday Objects

DVD – Amazing Magic Tricks with Rope 

DVD – Amazing Secrets of Card Magic, Ammar

DVD – An Introduction to the Linking Rings

DVD – Egg Bag

DVD – Expert Coin Magic Made Easy (Volumes 1, 2, 3), Roth 

DVD – The Raven

DVD – Twisting Arm Illusion, Yedid 

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EuroRope (Magician’s Rope) (Rope, Magician’s EuroRope) 

Eye Exam

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Fake Milk (Milk Tex) 

Feather Plume


Flag, American, Silk Handkerchief (Silk Handkerchief – American Flag) (American Flag, Silk Handkerchief)

Floating Lady

Flower, Sleeve Bouquet, Feather (Sleeve Bouquet, Feather Flower) 

Foam Frog by Goshman 

Foolproof Locator Deck, The (The Foolproof Locator Deck)

Four Square Silk Handkerchief (Silk Handkerchief – Four Square)

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Gaffed and Speciality Coins (Speciality and Gaffed Coins) (Coins, Speciality and Gaffed) – Chinese, Copper/Silver, English Penny, Magnetic Nickel Shell, Magnetic Penny, Mexican Centavo, Expanded Shells [English Penny/Quarter/Half Dollar/Eisenhower Silver Dollar], Two Headed Quarter, etc.

Gaffed Card Deck (Card Deck, Gaffed) – Assorted, Double Face/Back, Blank Face/Back, One Way Force, etc.

Gem BustersNew Item in Magic Shop

Ghost Card

Gim-Crack Microphone Holder (Microphone Holder, Gim-Crack) New Item in Magic Shop

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Handkerchief Vanisher 

Happy Birthday Silk Handkerchief (Silk Handkerchief  – Happy Birthday) 

Hat Coils (Production Item) 

Hopping Half 

Hot Rod

Hungry Coin

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Improved Pro Suitcase Table (Magic Table) (Pro Suitcase Table, Improved)

Incredible Dancing Paper Napkin, The

Incredible Traffic Light 

Insurance Policy

Interrupted Flap, The (The Interrupted Flap)

Invisible Deck

Invisible Thread Elastic Bands (Loops) 

Invisible Thread, Kevlar (Kevlar Invisible Thread) 

Invisible Thread, Super Fine, Bobbin

Itty Bitty Change Bag (Change Bag, Itty Bitty)

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Judy the Mouse 

Juggling Book (Book – The Complete Juggler, Finnigan)

Juggling Scarves

Just Say NO! Silk Handkerchief  (Silk Handkerchief  – Just Say NO!)   

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Kabuki Streamers (Throw Streamers)

Kevlar Invisible Thread (Invisible Thread, Kevlar) 

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Lewis Cone 

Linking Rings – Stage Size

Linking Ropes

Little Pail / Little Grater – Comedy Props 

Loops – (Invisible Elastic Thread Bands) 

Lota Bowl, Aluminum 

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Magic Table (Improved Pro Suitcase Table) (Pro Suitcase Table, Improved)New Item in Magic Shop

Magic Wands – (Wands) 

Magic Wand (Wand, Professional Two Piece)

Magical Block

Magician’s Rope (EuroRope) (Rope, Magician’s EuroRope)

Magician’s Wax 

Magnetic Card Case (Card Case, Magnetic)

Magnetic Micro Mini Pan, The (The Magnetic Micro Mini Pan)

Manipulation Coin (Palming Coin, Neilsen) (Coin, Manipulation/Palming)


Marked (Marking Deck Kit) New Item in Magic Shop

Matchbox Mambo 

Medallian Silk Handkerchief (Silk Handkerchief  – Medallian)   

Mental Prediction Board

Microphone Holder, Gim-Crack (Gim-Crack Microphone Holder)  New Item in Magic Shop

Milk Pitcher, Deluxe Crystal Cut 

Milk Tex (Fake Milk) 

Million Dollar Bills ($1,000,000) 

Mini Coin (Coin, Mini) 

Mint, The 

Miracle Rabbit 

Mirror Glass (Crystal Mirror Goblet) 

Miser’s Miracle, Jerry Andrus 

Mismade “Thank You” Silk Handkerchiefs, Deluxe (Silk Handkerchiefs – Mismade “Thank You”, Deluxe)

Mis-Made Bill 

Monster Mash, The (The Monster Mash)

Mouth Coils by Cresey Products 

Mouth Coils by Bazar De Magia

Mouth Coils, Christmas (Christmas Mouth Coils) 

Muti-Color Diagonal Silk Handkerchief (Silk Handkerchief  – Muti-Color Diagonal)

Multiplying Sponge Rabbits

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Niffin Bottle

Nylon Rope, Colored (Colored Nylon Rope) (Rope, Magician’s Colored Nylon) (Magician’s Colored Nylon Rope)

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No entries in this letter designation

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Palming Coin, Nielsen (Manupilation Coin) (Coin, Manipulation/Palming) 

Paper Hat Tear 

Paper Tear (Top Hat Surprise)

Patriotic Ropes

Pea Can, Brass 

Penetration Frame

Pentro Penny

Perfect Match

Piatt Envelope


Pom Pom Pole 

Pop Corn Dye Box

Prayer Vase

Presents of Mind

Pro Suitcase Table, Improved (Magic Table) (Improved Pro Suitcase Table)

Professor’s Nightmare

Psychic Escape

Purse Frame    New Item in Magic Shop

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Quarter Go

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Rabbit in the Hat Silk Handkerchief (SilkHandkerchiefRabbit in Hat) 

Rattle Box 

Raven, The (The Raven)

Rising Cards 

Rope, Magician’s Colored Nylon(Colored Nylon Rope) (Magician’s Colored Nylon Rope) (Nylon Rope, Colored)  

Rope, Magician’s EuroRope (Magician’s Rope) (Eurorope)

Rubber Chicken

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Scotch and Soda 

Silk Handkerchief, $100 Bill ($100 Bill Silk Handkerchief)

Silk Handkerchiefs – All Solid Colors and Size Options 

Silk Handkerchief – American Flag (Flag, Silk Handkerchief, American) (American Flag, Silk Handkerchief)

Silk Handkerchief – Butterfly (Butterfly SilkHandkerchief) 

Silk Handkerchief – Card Set, 9 inch (Card Silk Handkerchief Set, 9 inch)

Silk Handkerchief – Clown (Clown SilkHandkerchief) 

Silk Handkerchief – Dragon (Dragon SilkHandkerchief) 

Silk Handkerchief – Four Square (Four Square Silk Handkerchief)

Silk Handkerchief – Happy Birthday (Happy Birthday SilkHandkerchief) 

Silk Handkerchief – Just Say NO! (Just Say NO! SilkHandkerchief) 

Silk Handkerchief – Medallian (Medallian SilkHandkerchief) 

Silk Handkerchiefs – Mismade “Thank You”, Deluxe    (Mismade “Thank You” Silk Handkerchiefs, Deluxe)

Silk Handkerchief – Muti-Color Diagonal (Muti-Color Diagonal SilkHandkerchief) 

Silk Handkerchief – Rabbit in Hat (Rabbit in Hat SilkHandkerchief)

Silk Handkerchief – Sunburst (Sunburst SilkHandkerchief)

Silk Handkerchief – The End (The End SilkHandkerchief)

Silk to Egg, Deluxe 

Silk Streamer – 2″ x 16′

Silk Streamer – 4″ x 30′ 

Silk Streamer, Color Changing  (Color Changing Silk Streamer)

Silk Streamer, Thumbtip (Thumbtip Silk Streamer)

Silkola  New Item in Magic Shop

Silly Sack (Change Bag w/ No Bottom) 

Silver/Copper/Brass Transposition 

Six Card Repeat 

Six Way Coloring Book (Coloring Book, Six Way)(6 Way Coloring Book) 

Sleeve Bouquet, Feather Flower (Feather Flower, Sleeve Bouquet)(Flower, Sleeve Bouquet, Feather) 

Slush Powder (Aqua Slush)

Snowstorm in China, Ultimate

Snowstorm in China, Ultimate – Refill Packets

Speciality and Gaffed Coins (Gaffed and Speciality Coins) (Coins, Speciality and Gaffed) – Chinese, Copper/Silver, English Penny, Magnetic Nickel Shell, Magnetic Penny, Mexican Centavo, Expanded Shells [English Penny/Quarter/Half Dollar/Eisenhower Silver Dollar], Two Headed Quarter, etc.

Split Deck

Sponge Balls 

Spring Flowers, Deluxe 

Spring Wand (Wand, Spring) 

Square Circle, Vest Pocket (Vest Pocket Square Circle)New Item in Magic Shop

Stripper Deck, Deluxe

Sunburst Silk Handkerchief (Silk Handkerchief  – Sunburst)   

Svengali Deck, Deluxe

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Table, Improved Pro Suitcase (Magic Table)New Item in Magic Shop

Tarbell Course in Magic, Tarbell (Books – Tarbell Course in Magic)

Tarbell System Contained in One Book (Book – Tarbell Original Lessons in Magic, Tarbell) New Item in Magic Shop

The End Silk Handkerchief (Silk Handkerchief – The End)   

The Foolproof Locator Deck (Foolproof Locator Deck, The)

The Interrupted Flap (Interrupted Flap, The)

The Magnetic Micro Mini Pan (Magnetic Micro Mini Pan, The)

The Monster Mash (Monster Mash, The)

The Raven (Raven, The)

Throw Streamers (Kabuki Streamers)

Thumb Tip Blendo 

Thumbtip Silk Streamer (Silk Streamer, Thumbtip)

Top Hat Surprise (Paper Tear) 

Topsy Popsy Wand (Wand, Topsy Popsy) 

Tote Bag, Deluxe (Change Bag)

Tote Bag, Mini (Change Bag – Smaller Version of the Tote Bag Deluxe)

Tree Card Monte 

Twisting Arm Illusion (DVD – Twisting Arm Illusion)

Two Card MonteNew Item in Magic Shop

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No entries in this letter designation 

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Vanishing Candle (Candle, Vanishing)

Vanishing Cane (Cane, Vanishing)

Vanishing Card 

Vest Pocket Square Circle (Square Circle, Vest Pocket)

Viz Escape

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Walking Through Ribbons 

Wands (Magic Wands) 

Wand, Breakaway (Breakaway Wand) 

Wand, Professional Two Piece (Magic Wands) 

Wand, Spring (Spring Wand) 

Wand, Topsy Popsy (Topsy Popsy Wand) 

Whimsical Wonder Bag 

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Zig Zag Card

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